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Challenge 1: South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership

How can the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership lead the way for flood resilience in the sub-region, and through innovation maximise the benefit for communities and businesses across all coastal economies?

You can also view an audio described version of the challenge 1 video on our YouTube channel.

The first challenge in three years began on a sunny Tuesday morning in February 2023 in the heart of the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership (S&ELCP).

S&ELCP was formed in October 2021 and is the largest council partnership in the country. The Partnership consists of three sovereign councils: East Lindsey District Council, Boston Borough Council and South Holland District Council, representing a workforce of almost 900 officers and 122 elected members, and serving a population of over 306,000 residents over a geography of 1,112 square miles.

The LG Challenge contestants and observers stood in the council chamber

Team Thrive, captained by Sydney Alexander, and Team Catalyst, captained by Hannah Futter, were set the challenge above and asked to provide a written paper to the judges and present their proposals during a 10-minute presentation, followed by a 10 minute Q&A session. The written paper included a 12-month plan that set out the activity required by the Partnership in order to lead the drive for greater flood resilience across the sub-region, which identified two strategic priorities of which the Partnership should prioritise their attention in order to maximise benefits for communities and businesses.

I’m surprised I’m team captain…but I’m quite proud of myself for putting my hand up”

- Sydney

Sydney focuses on work at hand

Team Thrive’s idea focused on mobilising the partnership to lead the way on flood resilience, creating one local voice to lobby at the national level and building local skills through a centre of excellence. Team Catalyst’s proposal centred on skills and innovation and diversifying the economy through green tourism.


When we came out of the presentation…we were all talking over each other because we were so excited” 

 - Hannah

Hannah working on a laptop

The judges announced Team Thrive as the winners of the first challenge, as their idea met the challenge brief well and understood the importance of local partnerships. Both proposals were warmly received and we look forward to seeing how the partnership will use the action plans moving forward. 


Claire Holloway, Head of Corporate Services & Company Secretary, Local Government Association

Councillor Craig Leyland, Leader at East Lindsey District Council

Robert Barlow, Joint Chief Executive at the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership