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COVID-19: workforce

Information and guidance for the local government workforce in England and Wales relating to government guidelines, employee safety and wellbeing, developing new ways of working and more.

All of the information below is updated regularly to reflect changes to government guidance (England and Wales) and emerging good practice. Local government employers should check these pages for the latest information and advice and follow us on Twitter on @LGAComms and @LGAWorkforce.

Workforce advice and guidance 

COVID-19 update: workplace safety in stage 4: information for local authority employers as the COVID-19 restrictions are removed from Monday 19 July 2021

National Joint Council circulars: guidance for employers related to COVID-19 

LGA workforce update: job retention scheme

COVID-19 employment law FAQs

LGA COVID-19 workforce summary reports: a series of bi-weekly surveys collecting key workforce capacity and planning data relating to COVID-19

LGA workforce guidance: Government guidance on safe working

COVID-19 schools guidance – a roundup of information relating to workforce issues in schools during the coronavirus

The National Joint Council for Fire and Rescue Services agreements on COVID-19 support work  


Managing the wellbeing of frontline staff during COVID-19

Managing the wellbeing of social care staff during COVID-19

Managing the wellbeing of remote working during COVID-19

Managing the wellbeing of furloughed staff during COVID-19

NEOST workforce wellbeing guide for schools and trusts during COVID-19

Supporting emotional resilience and wellbeing

Wellbeing and managing musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions

Supporting employees on domestic abuse

Social Care

COVID-19 Social Work Together Campaign: provides a pool of returning social workers to support the local response to COVID-19 

COVID-19 adult social care and support  

Helplines for social care staff

COVID-19 Senior Officer support

COVID-19 support for your role

Coaching and mentoring for senior officers during COVID-19: LGA and Solace have developed a programme of coaching a mentoring aimed at Chief Executives, Directors and professional working directly on managing the response to COVID-19

New ways of working