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COVID-19: regulatory services case studies

A series of case studies showing how councils’ regulatory services have played a key role in supporting communities and businesses during the pandemic.

Pink and orange background with purple and orange diagram resembling a virus

Councils’ regulatory services have played a key role in supporting communities and businesses throughout all stages of the pandemic. While very much on the frontline, engaging with the public and business owners to understand how to comply with the COVID-19 restrictions and rules, their role has been under-stated.

Whether working through a complex two tier system at district or borough council level in the Environmental Health and Licensing teams, at county level through Trading Standards, in close partnership and joint activity with the police and alongside the council Public Health teams promoting public health advice, these public protection oriented services have worked tirelessly through the different stages of the pandemic, Government’s Roadmap and Plan B.

These interviews demonstrate a range of effective and positive approaches to COVID-19 compliance, resulting in the need for low levels of enforcement, balancing the safety of the public whilst supporting local businesses.