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LGA Climate Change Programme – Decarbonising Transport Action Learning Sets: session 5

As we come to the end of the Action Learning Set process, our final session was a wonderful opportunity to not only discuss a few final topics but also reflect on our journey and what we have all learnt together.

The overall feedback from the groups was that the action learning sets have been collaborative, insightful, and thought provoking. Having a safe space to come and talk through challenges created a supportive and reassuring environment. Participants particularly noted that the action learning set method of asking questions allowed them to think outside the box and from a different perspective.

In terms of next steps, each participant has been asked to complete a case study which will detail how the action learning set process has allowed them to develop their thinking on topics they are currently facing in relation to decarbonising transport. These will be available on the LGA website in due course.

Challenges and enablers

The following challenges were discussed during the third ALS session:

What would the public be interested in around a pilot project on dual fuel hydrogen? For refuse trucks in particular, how can the public be engaged and supportive of a new pilot?


  • The biggest concern around hydrogen is safety, how can engagement help with all audiences to reassure the public, what opportunities are there to engage with younger generations?
  • Further to this, how can hydrogen be branded to best attract to the public, advertisements on the refuse trucks e.g., ‘Green Refuse Truck Powered by Hydrogen’?
  • Could CO2 savings be reported on the website?
  • Could technology have a role, using video infographics?
  • The economic boosts could turn around communities supporting growth
  • How can you work and partner up with other companies to deliver a wider role out?
  • How can you use other case studies from around the UK to demonstrate success i.e., Aberdeen
  • Engage with local educational establishments from schools to universities to enable STEM learning and research.

How do I persuade powers to not throw all their eggs into the EV basket? Are EVs the answer to everything or do we need to invest in other options too?


  • If we are not ready with the infrastructure, is it fundamentally possible to support a total EV roll out? Is there even enough capacity on the grid?
  • A Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats ‘SWOT’ analysis could support in finding a wider variety of solutions.
  • Is just one solution needed or do we need to take a blended approach?
  • Do decision makers have the understanding they need, could you support them with education, perhaps through a lunch and learn session or action learning sessions?
  • Can piloting be used?

How do we demonstrate the value of park and ride? What does a good park and ride look like and how can one sell this value? Some park and rides have been closed due to low patronage as a result of covid and now contracts are up for renewal and a revised business case is required.


  • How could park and rides be linked with existing bus services to not put a strain on the network?
  • Can available space be reduced in the city, so park and rides become the best option?
  • What role could market testing have, or could transport professionals support discussions?
  • Have you thought about what would happen if the service was discontinued?
  • What is stopping the park and ride from appearing to be successful?

How do we get acceptance of direction and buy-in from the public? Can we get the public on our side and convenience them to make modal change?


  • What is in the role in targeting younger generations and investing in changing their behaviours?
  • How could physically stopping prohibited behaviours support the situation?
  • How can you use other organisations such as Public Health England to support your messaging?

What are the appropriate metrics to fight climate change? We have finite resources and a problem to solve – decarbonisation.


  • With levelling up, it is key to make the most of what is available to support efforts towards decarbonisation but equally with lots of pots of money available which is the right one?
  • Engage and work with society to bring them along with you
  • What changes can be made to support people to use existing infrastructure?
  • What role could devolution have? What are the benefits and what are the challenges of devolution?

How do we show our ambition when looking to receive funding and perhaps not being able to deliver due to lack of resource? With big targets and decreasing resources, this can be a challenge.


  • Is there a framework available to draw on external resources?
  • Could schemes brought in during covid or emergencies be delivered permanently using funding?
  • How can different places work together for cross boundary schemes and perhaps sharing resources?
  • Could apprenticeships and internships be a way to support resourcing challenges?
  • Other councils have a dedicated team that are allocated funding to continuously design schemes so that when funding comes out, they can be put into bids quickly
  • Can schemes be prioritised based on the level of ambition they are reaching?
  • Can funding be found through S106 money?
  • Reach out to the net zero hub to understand how they can support.