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4 March 2023 – Brigade managers pay offer

We write to update Chairs and Police, Fire and Crime Commissioners on pay negotiations within this group

Local Government Association,

18 Smith Square, Westminster,

London, SW1P 3HZ

Telephone 020 7187 7335

e-mail: [email protected]

Employers’ Secretary, Naomi Cooke

Direct Dial: 020 7187 7335



National Employers

To: Chairs of Fire Authorities

Police, Fire and Crime Commissioners



Directors of HR

Chief fire officers 

Members of the employers’ side of the NJC

4 March 2023


1. We write to update Chairs and Police, Fire and Crime Commissioners on pay negotiations within this group.

2. There is a twin-track approach to pay for this group:

  • 10. There is a two-track approach for determining levels of pay for Brigade Manager roles. At national level, the NJC shall review annually the level of pay increase applicable to all those covered by this agreement. In doing so, the NJC will consider affordability, other relevant pay deals and the rate of inflation at the appropriate date. Any increase agreed by the NJC will be communicated to fire authorities by circular. 
  • 11. All other decisions about the level of pay and remuneration to be awarded to individual Brigade Manager roles will be taken by the local Fire and Rescue Authority, who will annually review these salary levels.‘ 

3. Members of the employers’ side of the NJC met yesterday to again consider a position in respect of a national level pay award for this group for 2022 and potentially 2023.

4. Members believe the attached two-year offer in respect of this national level negotiation is fair and hope that it will lead to agreement as soon as possible.  

Yours faithfully, 

Sarah Ward

Acting Employers Secretary

Local Government Association,

18 Smith Square, Westminster,

London, SW1P 3HZ

Telephone 020 7187 7335

e-mail: [email protected]

Employers’ Secretary, Naomi Cooke

Direct Dial

020 7187 7335



National Employers

Simon Shilton

Officers’ Side Secretary

National Joint Council for Brigade Managers

4 March 2023


Dear Simon,

Thank you for our recent joint secretariat meetings.

The National Employers met yesterday and following detailed consideration decided to make the pay offer below in respect of 2022 and 2023:

  • A 4 percent increase on basic pay with effect from 1 January 2022, capped at £5000.
  • A 3.5 percent increase on basic pay with effect from 1 January 2023, capped at £4000.

The National Employers recognised that there is a two-track approach to pay for this group:

  • ‘10. There is a two-track approach for determining levels of pay for Brigade Manager roles. At national level, the NJC shall review annually the level of pay increase applicable to all those covered by this agreement. In doing so, the NJC will consider affordability, other relevant pay deals and the rate of inflation at the appropriate date. Any increase agreed by the NJC will be communicated to fire authorities by circular.
  • 11. All other decisions about the level of pay and remuneration to be awarded to individual Brigade Manager roles will be taken by the local Fire and Rescue Authority, who will annually review these salary levels. ‘

The above offer therefore reflects the National Employers position in respect of a national level award. The National Employers believe this offer fairly rewards senior managers while being mindful of a wide range of factors including the pressures of the wider economic backdrop. It is made with the hope that it can form the basis of an agreement between the two sides as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Sarah Ward

Acting Employers’ Secretary