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Staffordshire County Council: Here to Help campaign 

Staffordshire launched a ‘Here to Help’ campaign to highlight the help and support that is available to tackle the current cost of living pressures.

About the initiative

Staffordshire have recently launched a ‘Here to Help’ campaign to highlight the help and support that is available throughout the county to tackle the current cost of living pressures. It looks to signpost residents to a range of support from the county council, voluntary and community sector, and the districts and boroughs. The campaign directs people to a support page on managing debt, paying bills, food and essential, staying warm and helping others.

Through the campaign, the council are signposting residents to the County’s Community Help Points, where residents can access face-to-face advice and support, alongside referrals to the Staffordshire Connects website, which is a county-wide repository of community support. In addition to this, Staffordshire Council have also teamed up with Morrisons to offer a free hot drink in Staffordshire Libraries this winter.  

Over the coming weeks the campaign will be spotlighting local initiatives that are supporting residents. In October, the council promoted use of the Household Support Fund to fund nearly 1,400 slow cookers to be given to vulnerable residents and low-income families that are experiencing fuel poverty.  

The council have launched a simultaneous campaign aimed at internal staff, which signposts to information and support on the intranet. Employees can benefit from a partnership with Salary Finance, a financial wellbeing company that offers tools, videos and resources to help with budgeting and planning, as well as low / no interest loans repaid through salaries.  
