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LGA responds to autumn COVID-19 and flu vaccination campaign

Cllr James Jamieson, Chairman of the Local Government Association responds to the announcement of the autumn COVID-19 and flu vaccination campaign.

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Responding to the announcement of a autumn booster COVID-19 and flu vaccination campaign, Cllr David Fothergill, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board said:

“Councils have played a vital role in supporting the vaccination effort so far, providing facilities, tackling hesitancy within their communities and helping to get to underserved groups.

“As COVID-19 transmission rates continue to rise, it is clear that the pandemic is far from over, and so it is vitally important that people take up the offer of a booster vaccination when the time comes, if you are eligible.

“Getting vaccinated is an important way to protect both yourself and your family from both Covid and flu. Councils stand ready to support their NHS colleagues to enable as many people as possible take up a booster jab.”