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LGA responds to County Councils Network and Newton report

“Potential underfunding of adult social care reforms would only exacerbate pre-existing significant pressures, which the reforms – and the funding for them – do nothing to address."

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Responding to analysis from the County Councils Network (CCN) and Newton of the underfunding of the Government’s proposed reforms to adult social care, Cllr David Fothergill, chair of the LGA Community Wellbeing Board said:

“This report provides further analysis that adds weight to growing concerns that proposed reforms to social care are potentially significantly underfunded. This would be disastrous for councils, care providers and people who access care.

“With shortages across the sector, social care staff are already under extraordinary pressure and adding more to their workload with no plans for increased support or pay risks driving even more valued staff away from working in the sector

“Potential underfunding of these reforms would only exacerbate pre-existing significant pressures, which the reforms – and the funding for them – do nothing to address. These include unmet and under-met need, greater strain on unpaid carers and increased waiting times for assessments and delivery of care packages.

“A higher proportion of the health and social care levy needs to be spent on social care to tackle these issues and create stable foundations for these reforms. The timetable and cost of the reforms must be kept under close and regular review, with any additional costs incurred by councils fully funded by Government.”