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The basics

The resources in this New Conversations section support the basic, statutory aspects of engagement and consultation with a particular focus on consultation.

They explore best practice, legal requirements, and the pre-emptive steps you can take to get engagement around decision-making right. There are also resources supporting the evaluation of consultation and the benefits you get from consultation and engagement. This is a useful section if you are new to consultation and engagement or just need a refresher.

Section 1 of New Conversations 2 provides detailed advice on how to get the basics right. Signposted below, meanwhile, are a raft of tools which can support you in thinking through the various questions which this throws up.

Engagement or consultation?

How to choose the right level of engagement

Do I need to consult?

The cost-benefit calculator

What type of engagement to use to promote dialogue and considered discussion

How to map stakeholders

Consulting in the right way

A route map to good consultation

The Politics of Consultation

What is judicial review?

The Gunning Principles

The Judge Over Your Shoulder flowchart for judicial review


Useful guidance on evaluation

Evaluation and social return on investment (SROI)I

The benefits

Satisfaction hard won

Testing trust