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T Levels explained

What are T Levels?

T Levels are a two year qualification for 16-19 year olds designed in collaboration with employers. Each T Level is equivalent to 3 A Levels, with the aim to support the young person to develop their skills, knowledge and to thrive in the workplace. Students choose different T Level specialisms, and develop the key skills required in industry. T Levels offer a mixture of classroom learning and ‘on the job experience’ through an industry placement.

The LGA’s T Level toolkit has been created in partnership with the Department for Education and Gatsby Charitable Foundation. The toolkit provides advice and guidance to councils to support the planning and delivery of high quality industry placements which form part of a T Level qualification.

Why is the LGA supporting T Level qualifications?

The LGA see the short and long-term benefits of supporting with T Levels.

T Levels are the first step towards a career in local government, and a fantastic way to promote the opportunities available to young people.

  • Raise awareness: T Levels will allow councils to access and engage young people to increase awareness and understanding of local government and what it’s like to work in the sector.
  • Increase diversity in councils: Industry Placements will introduce young people to jobs and careers within local government. You have the opportunity to access a new generation of potential employees.
  • Job ready skills development: T Levels allow local councils to develop first-hand the skills and knowledge of local young people, helping them to establish future working in public services.
  • Additional resource to councils: Industry placements can increase capacity within teams, whether it is projects or developing your services.

What's in it for councils?

Local government can be a varied and positive career destination for young people – by providing quality experience to young people they will look seriously at councils as future career options. 

By hosting a T Level industry placement councils get the following benefits:   

  • a motivated student for 45 days
  • extra capacity for sector specific project work, with no employment contract, PAYE or N.I. liability
  • no recruitment costs
  • try and test potential apprentices, trainees or employees
  • level 3 'workplace ready' candidates
  • an opportunity to promote your 'council as a local employer' brand to young people to attract local talent for future employment
  • recruit workforce of the future by providing progression from T Level to apprenticeship, entry level job or traineeship
  • retain local talent
  • opportunity to shape a young person to fit your council’s needs
  • build stronger links with local training providers and other employers
  • an opportunity for line managers to contribute to the development of a young person.

What support is on offer from LGA?

The LGA’s T Level toolkit provides advice and guidance to councils to support the planning and delivery of T Level industry placements.

T Level myth busting