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Loneliness case studies

A series of case studies on how councils are addressing loneliness.

Loneliness and social isolation is a growing problem. According to the Campaign to End Loneliness, 45 per cent of adults experienced bouts of loneliness before the pandemic. Some five per cent described themselves as often or always lonely. It is an issue that does not just affect older people either, with problems reported among young adults and children.

And COVID has just made the situation worse because of the prolonged periods of lockdown and restrictions disrupting the social networks people rely. This is having an impact on people’s health – both mental and physical.

Councils are at the forefront of tackling loneliness and isolation. Using their knowledge of their communities to lead projects, bring together local partners and support people directly.

We have collated different best practice examples including how a library service is keeping people connected and innovative programmes developed to address digital exclusion. The one thing they all have in common though is the ability of councils to harness the strength of local assets – the people, the organisations and the businesses – to address this problem.