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Birmingham City Council: Year 2 Q4 update

Birmingham plan to test their powers to influence the upstream, social and economic determinants of health to shift towards a healthier food and physical activity economy and environment through planning powers and apprenticeships and employment training

The Childhood Obesity Trailblazer Programme is funded by the Department of Health and Social Care and administered by the Local Government Association. Public Health England is also providing expert support and advice.


  • Toolkit - Public consultation ended 30 June 2021. Feedback is currently being reviewed and a report is to be compiled based on the findings. The ambition is to embed the toolkit Birmingham Development Plan (BDP) and it will be shared widely.
  • Spiral Curriculum - A provider has been appointed and is currently working on module content. Entry level content is in draft form and the higher levels will be written following analysis of entry level content. Apprentices are being consulted and close work is taking place with the university, particularly regarding evaluation, which will be robust and embedded into the work.
  • Birmingham Basket – Work is ongoing and will form part of Birmingham’s wider food data collection strategy


  • Spiral Curriculum – Examining reasons why there has been low apprentice take up numbers – one theory is because the learning is not accredited, although a certificate will be provided. Attempting to weave the spiral curriculum into accredited work
  • Refreshing external web pages for the spiral curriculum content needed the IT team to be involved from the beginning


  • Progress has been significantly impacted by resources required for the local response to COVID-19 and also internal role changes

Next steps

  • New food team up and running in September 2021, will help with capacity issues
  • Continue working with provider on the spiral curriculum to shape modules ready for roll out
  • Finalising toolkit consultation feedback and writing report to go to cabinet