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Cheltenham Borough Council: Cheltenham Zero Partnership

Cheltenham Borough Council formed the Cheltenham Zero Partnership, with charity partner Vision21. The partnership will establish a strong network of businesses, community groups and the public sector to help lead the charge for the borough’s aim for carbon neutrality by 2030.

The challenge

The climate emergency poses global and local risk to the future of our environment, livelihoods, homes and our town. The council can only go so far with our efforts to reduce carbon emissions in the borough.  We need to bring people together to help solve a number of challenging issues in the community.

The solution

The partnership aims to establish a strong network, and provide brand new collaboration opportunities between businesses, community groups and the public sector. There will be educational workshops led by experts from outside and within Cheltenham Zero, and regular forums to help create a commonwealth of knowledge.

The partnership’s members will look at all aspects of environmental policy, including:

  • transport
  • energy generation
  • energy efficiency
  • biodiversity.

By sharing best practice and innovative ideas and technology, organisations can work with the council and Vision21 to reduce the carbon footprint of Cheltenham Borough. Vision21 have been at the forefront of actively promoting sustainable practices in the Borough for over two decades and their learnings from working with the private and community sectors will be invaluable in this initiative.

The impact

Over 30 organisations have already pledged to support the borough in their ambitious target of reaching carbon neutrality by 2030. This partnership will provide an opportunity for everyone living, working in or visiting Cheltenham to do something positive to combat global warming and adapt to climate change.

How is the new approach being sustained?

This is a solidified partnership between Vision21 and Cheltenham Borough Council and will be reshaped regularly to meet the needs of the borough and those who have pledged their support.

Lessons learnt

The partnership is still in early stages.


Alex Wells: [email protected]