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LGA statement: Free school meal food parcels

“Ensuring vulnerable pupils are provided for is a top priority for councils with many delivering high quality food boxes in partnership with schools."

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Responding to reports of inadequate food parcels being received by some families of children on free school meals during the latest national lockdown, Cllr Judith Blake, Chair of the LGA’s Children and Young People Board, said:

“Commercial providers must work with schools and councils where necessary to ensure that food parcels are of a high standard, meet nutritional needs and are enough for individuals and families. It has undoubtedly been challenging for them to switch from providing meals in school to delivering them remotely to families at short notice, but it is extremely concerning if contractors in some areas are failing to meet basic standards.

“Ensuring vulnerable pupils are provided for is a top priority for councils with many delivering high quality food boxes in partnership with schools. It is right that they have the choice between vouchers and food boxes based on local needs and providers.

“With many households likely to be economically vulnerable for some time, it is vital that councils have long-term sustainable funding to address food poverty and other underlying causes of hardship and disadvantage, and provide support to all households who need it.”