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LGA responds to vaccine delivery plan and first daily uptake figures

“Vaccinating as many people as possible is the only certain way we can get through this pandemic and it is inspiring to see so many volunteers offer their help alongside frontline staff up and down the country."

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Responding to the publication of the Government’s vaccine delivery plan and first daily figures of those who have received a coronavirus vaccine, Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said:

“Vaccinating as many people as possible is the only certain way we can get through this pandemic and it is inspiring to see so many volunteers offer their help alongside frontline staff up and down the country.

“Councils want to play their full part in the national rollout, but need more information shared with them, to ensure everyone can receive their jab promptly and without delay. This includes granular data at a local authority level - including by age, postcode, ethnicity and gender - so they know who in their communities has had their dose so far and where they need to reach out and improve uptake, as well as information on the rollout across care homes and other care settings in their areas.

“It is also crucial social care staff continue to have equal access to the vaccine with their NHS counterparts, as both are essential frontline workers doing an incredible job in extremely challenging conditions.

“COVID-19 vaccines offer us hope but infection rates remain stubbornly high all over the country and this is translating into unsustainable hospital admissions and, sadly, too many deaths. It is vital that we all follow the rules to bring down transmission as vaccines are rolled out.”