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LGA responds to increased care home testing announcement

The Government have announced a £149million funding package to support the rollout of increased, rapid testing for care home staff.

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Responding to the government announcement of £149 million to support the rollout of increased, rapid testing for care home staff, Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said:

“Social care staff have been on the frontline throughout this pandemic and rightly deserve all the protections they need to continue doing their incredible work.

“We also need to keep doing everything we can to shield and protect people living in care homes and those receiving care at home, while making it possible for visitors to see their loved ones, where they are able to and using all available safety measures.

“It is vital that this funding reaches councils promptly in the new year, so that they can work with care providers in their areas to roll this out as practically and safely as possible.

“We continue to call for a long-term, sustainable settlement for adult social care, to help secure the future of care and support through this pandemic and beyond.”