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The LGA’s productivity offer: Supporting your council to innovate, save money and generate income

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Our programmes, resources, guides and case studies to help councils improve productivity.

Helping your council to innovate

Changing behaviour to make a difference

Behavioural insights is a technique used to generate better outcomes for communities by encouraging changes in the way we act.

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Our offer

  • Grant funding – councils to match fund
  • Recommendations from behavioural insights experts
  • Case studies, videos, publications and more

Behavioural insights – case studies

Redesigning public services

Together with the Design Council, we offer support to councils and partners wanting to apply design processes and methods to their climate change challenges. If your organisation requires some fresh thinking or a different approach, this could be your opportunity to receive training and support.

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Our offer

  • Fully grant funded

Design public sector – case studies

Cyber security

Cyber security is a risk to the public sector and the services we run. With the role of councils being instrumental to the COVID-19 response, and with an increased reliance on digital services, digital communications and new partnerships, the risk associated with a cyber incident is greater than ever.

We are funded by the National Cyber Security Programme, via the Cabinet Office, to help improve the cyber security of local government. Now in the final year of a three-year agreement, the programme has directly supported over 90% of local authorities via a grant funded programme informed by a cyber security stocktake and self-assessment tool we delivered. Using sector-led improvement we work to reduce vulnerabilities and improve resilience across the sector and ensure that cyber security becomes a whole workforce issue.

Alongside other sector-led improvement activities, this year, we are delivering a penetration / vulnerability testing pilot with a cross section of 10 per cent of local authorities.

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Our offer

Potential grant funding, guidance, best practice, advice, resource signposting, webinars, and policy forums.

Find out more contact: [email protected]

Cyber security

Modern slavery in the supply chain

Changes to the Modern Slavery Act will soon mean councils will be required to submit a Modern Slavery Transparency Statement, nearly 150 councils have already demonstrated leadership and accountability by doing so voluntarily.

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Our offer

Guidance, support and a free e-learning toolkit on our dedicated Modern Slavery Supply Chain hub.

Transformation and Innovation Exchange

Responding to a call from councils, we have created an online hub that brings together practical help for local government about innovation and efficiency into one place.

Developed with local government, the Transformation and Innovation Exchange features a range of case studies, guidance, tools, performance data, training and other resources to help councils continue to deliver value for money and better outcomes for communities. This is an interactive space where councils can come together to share learning and support each other.

A key feature is an online self-assessment tool, which helps councils identify their current capabilities and consider improvement opportunities and useful support. Senior managers and elected members are encouraged to undertake an assessment of their organisation. This could be done on a regular basis or as part of preparation for a corporate peer challenge.

Helping your council to save money

The National Procurement Strategy and resources

Councils spend some £60 billion a year on bought in goods, works and services.

Our National Procurement Strategy and additional resources help councils to achieve value for money to meet the needs of the communities they serve.

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Our offer

Tools, reports, case studies, videos, toolkits and category strategies.

Find out more: National Procurement Strategy

Free e-learning on contract management available, contact: [email protected] for more information.

Procurement and commissioning for elected members

Councillors have a good understanding of the needs of the people they represent. In the commissioning cycle, councillors should challenge current practices and seek to effect changes that will meet the needs of their communities more effectively and efficiently.

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Our offer

Councillors e-learning module and workbook.

Councillor’s Guide to Procurement.

Transforming local public services using digital and technology

We have funded over 80 projects working with over 100 councils over a five year period to use digital tools and solutions to redesign services, build digital skills, enhance council capacity and improve access to council services and online opportunities. This has been achieved through the following digital programmes:

  • Digital Experts Programme 2015/16
  • Digital Transformation Programme 2016/17
  • Digital Channel Shift Programme 2017/18
  • Digital Housing Programme 2018/19
  • Digital Inclusion Programme 2019/20
  • Digital Connectivity Programme 2020/21

As well as significantly improving how services are designed and delivered online for communities, these projects enable staff to work more effectively both in and out of the office. The estimated savings from these programmes are more than £4.5 million.

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Our Offer

Up to £20,000 via the Digital Connectivity Programme.

Membership on our Digital Inclusion Network and the Local Government Delivery Council.

Digital: case studies, resources, reports and guidance.

Events and webinars: Digital Showcase.

LGA Climate Change Support Programme

The aim of the programme is to help councils and residents to reach their local carbon reduction targets by adapting and mitigating the effects of climate change.

Monthly climate change bulletin: a round up of the latest news for councils including good practice examples, events and training, publications and innovation and leadership programmes.

See our most up to date support offers on our Climate Change Programme.

Climate Emergency Knowledge Hub Group: a platform where councils who have declared a climate emergency or made any other type of commitment to reduce carbon and improve the environment can share information and experiences.

To find out more contact: [email protected]

Helping your council to generate income


Many councils have experienced significant income losses resulting from COVID-19 and changes to investment guidance from The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy and the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government. We have developed a range of free, online, targeted support to assist local authorities as they refocus commercial activity.

This support includes themed round tables, commercial support pilots, themed webinars and refreshed commercial masterclasses for councillors and officers.

For councillors these masterclasses are: commercial mindset, commercial leadership and decision-making.

For officers these masterclasses are: commercial thinking, commercial business planning, adapting commercial strategy, governance for commercial activity and financial health of commercial activity.

LGA’s commercialisation support offer

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Our offer

Round tables, commercial support pilots, themed webinars and refreshed commercial masterclasses for councillors and officers.

LGA Economic Growth Support Programme

The aim of the programme is to help councils with their economic recovery from COVID-19 and to provide resources to help councils grow their local economies.

Economic Growth Advisers

A programme of support to provide local authorities with access to high quality advice and expertise in order that they can take forward their own plans for economic growth.

Economic Growth Web Hub: A dedicated area on our website which brings together resources and best practice to help councils with their economic plans.

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Our offer

Grant funding, advice, resource signposting, and roundtables.