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LGA responds to APPG on Coronavirus interim report

"Councils have played a crucial role during the pandemic and have demonstrated how vital local knowledge and expertise is in combating the virus and protecting their communities."

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Responding to an interim report by the APPG on Coronavirus on the need for government to adopt a COVID Exit strategy and other recommendations, Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said:

“Councils have played a crucial role during the pandemic and have demonstrated how vital local knowledge and expertise is in combating the virus and protecting their communities.

“This wide-ranging report provides some key recommendations which we support, including the need for a locally-led test and trace system backed up by national coordination and resources, alongside the need for precise, granular-level data on who to contact and adequate financial support for those who have to self-isolate.

“Social care has also been on the frontline during the coronavirus crisis, which has highlighted even more the urgent need for a long-term, sustainable funding settlement.

“Extra funding for adult and children’s social care in the recent Spending Review will help next year, but we need a clear plan on the future of care and support and how we pay for it, to support people to live the lives they want to lead. The social care council tax precept remains a sticking plaster which will not address long-term pressures.”