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T Levels employer campaign

T Levels students can make a huge difference to businesses, in England, by giving employers early access to the brightest talent entering the market.

The first ever T Levels media campaign, targeting employers, launched on 1st December 2020. The awareness raising campaign will run until the end of February 2021 – with a short break over the Christmas period.

The campaign will showcase what T Levels are and how they apply to employers. It will build desire and excitement for T Levels, by demonstrating the benefits they offer employers and workplaces; whilst encouraging employers to host industry placement students.

Using display advertising, the campaign will target CEOs, Directors, HR managers, employers and line managers in industries including; design, surveying & construction, digital production, design & development, and education and childcare, to cover the first three T Level sector areas.

To extend reach the T Levels campaign will also target employers through a number of channels including social media – on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.  

Find out more by visiting: Industry placement business benefits | T Levels