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LGA responds to accessible homes survey

“These findings reinforce why it is essential that accessible and adaptable housing for older and disabled people is a key part of our national ambition to build new homes, and we support calls to raise the minimum accessibility standards for new housing."

Responding to a new survey by the Centre for Ageing Better, which has revealed an urgent and growing need for more accessible homes over the next decade, Cllr David Renard, Local Government Association housing spokesperson, said:

“These findings reinforce why it is essential that accessible and adaptable housing for older and disabled people is a key part of our national ambition to build new homes, and we support calls to raise the minimum accessibility standards for new housing.

“Good housing is a major contributor to good health and care. Accessible and adaptable homes can keep people safe and independent in their own homes for longer, and prevent avoidable hospital and care home admissions.

“However, our ageing population means more people aged 65 and over are becoming a growing part of our housing market, living in a third of all homes, often unsuitable for their needs.

“We would like the Government to work with councils, developers and housing associations to provide a sustainable funding framework through which to offer the certainty and clarity to invest in the future development of housing for people with a range of needs.

“It should also use the Spending Review to give councils the powers and resources to get back to building the homes the country needs, with a new generation of 100,000 social homes for rent each year.”