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LGA statement on NHS funding to prepare for second COVID-19 wave

“If this awful pandemic has proved one thing it is that there cannot be a sustainable NHS without a sustainable adult social care system. You cannot protect one and not the other."

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Responding to the Prime Minister’s announcement that the NHS will receive £3 billion to protect it against a possible second wave of COVID-19, Cllr James Jamieson, Chairman of the Local Government Association, said:

“The Government is right to try and ensure the health service is as prepared as possible for the potential of a deadly second wave of COVID-19 this winter.

“If this awful pandemic has proved one thing it is that there cannot be a sustainable NHS without a sustainable adult social care system. You cannot protect one and not the other.

“Adult social care services remain on the frontline of this crisis and need parity of esteem with the NHS. We urge the Government to also further address the immediate financial pressures facing the sector.

“Investment to ensure adult social care is also ready and able to cope with a second wave and public health services are adequately funded would be of enormous benefit to our much-loved NHS.”