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LGA responds to rough sleeping funding announcement

Cllr David Renard, the Local Government Association’s housing spokesman, responds to an announcement by the Housing Secretary that councils will receive an extra £112 million to tackle rough sleeping.

“One rough sleeper is one too many for councils, and we are pleased the Government has announced funding which will help councils’ efforts to get people off the streets and into safe accommodation.

“Councils are determined to prevent rough sleeping and homelessness from happening in the first place.

“This is why we call on the Government to follow today’s announcement and in the forthcoming Budget adapt welfare reforms to protect families at risk of becoming homeless, by restoring local housing allowance rates to cover at least the lowest third of market rents.

“Councils also need the powers and funding to spark a genuine renaissance in council house-building to provide the social homes for rent that are desperately needed to help boost affordability, home ownership and reduce homelessness and rough sleeping.”