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Statutory guidance for Local Authorities on providing youth services: A call for evidence

Below is the LGA's response to the Statutory guidance for Local Authorities on providing youth services.

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The government is revising the guidance relating to Section 507B of the Education and Inspections Act, which sets government expectations of (upper tier) local authorities when they are securing services and activities for young people aged 13 to 19, and those with learning difficulties to age 24, with the purpose of improving young people’s well-being.

The current guidance was last reviewed in 2012.2 There have been many changes to how local youth services have been funded and delivered in the last seven years, therefore a revision of the guidance is required.

We expect that the review will provide greater clarity of government’s expectations, including the value added by good youth work. The review aims to focus attention on the positive role local authorities can play in the provision of youth services, and ensure the guidance is useful and accessible for those who need it most.

Who is this for?

● Local authorities

● Other providers of local youth services

● Young people

● Young people’s families and carers

Download the full briefing below

Statutory guidance for Local Authorities on providing youth services: A call for evidence