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LGA responds to latest NCMP statistics on overweight and obese children

“Unless we solve this crisis, today’s obese children will become tomorrow’s obese adults whose years of healthy life will be shortened by a whole host of health problems including diabetes, cancer and heart disease.”

Responding to the latest National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) statistics for 2018/19, which show that rates of children who are overweight or obese have increased, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, Cllr Ian Hudspeth said:

“These latest figures are another urgent reminder of the scale of the challenge we face in combating childhood obesity and the need for bold, radical action.

“Councils alongside other partners have made good progress, from health visitors supporting new parents to weight management services, but more needs to be done, especially to reduce the gap between the most and least deprived.

“Since taking on this responsibility, councils have worked hard to increase participation rates and nearly 1.2 million children were weighed in 2018/19.

“The Queen’s Speech should give more powers and funding to councils to help keep the next generation healthy, including tackling the clustering of existing takeaways and restricting junk food advertising near schools.

“Money raised from the sugar tax should also be reinvested in other council-run programmes, including exercise referral schemes and offering free or reduced-cost sport.

“Unless we solve this crisis, today’s obese children will become tomorrow’s obese adults whose years of healthy life will be shortened by a whole host of health problems including diabetes, cancer and heart disease.”

