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LGA responds to latest homelessness statistics

Local Government Association’s Housing spokesman, Cllr David Renard, responds to the latest homelessness statistics showing the number of households living in temporary accommodation.

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"Every instance of homelessness is an individual tragedy and councils are determined to prevent homelessness from happening in the first place and support those affected.

“A lack of affordable housing has left many councils struggling to cope with a rising number of people coming to them for help and are having to place more families and households into temporary and emergency accommodation as a result.

“We were pleased government listened to our call for more homelessness funding in the Spending Round and this will help in the year ahead. However a long-term sustainable funding solution is needed if we are to reduce homelessness.

“Councils also need powers to invest in new homes for those that need them. We need urgent reform to the Right to Buy scheme, which enables councils to keep all sales receipts and set discounts locally. Government also needs to adapt welfare reforms to protect families at risk of becoming homeless.”