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LGA responds to Health and Social Care Select Committee report on NHS Long-Term Plan

Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, responds to a report by the Commons Health and Social Care Committee on legislative proposals for the NHS Long-Term Plan.

“We support several of the key recommendations of the Committee’s report, which strongly reflects the evidence we gave to this inquiry on behalf of local government. 

“In particular, we are pleased that the report shares our concerns that current proposals are too NHS-focused and that NHS England, NHS Improvement and the Department for Health and Social Care need to give greater consideration to the role and contribution of councils in the wider health and social care system. 

“While we are in favour of measures to enable greater collaboration within the NHS, we want to avoid any legal change which may have unforeseen impacts on collaboration between the NHS and local government. 

“As stated in this report, legal reforms should allow councils to be equal partners on joint committees alongside Clinical Commissioning Groups and NHS providers. 

“We also support the report’s recognition that Health and Wellbeing Boards have a crucial role to play in developing fully integrated health and care systems, as part of a new health and care landscape outlined in the NHS Long Term Plan. Any legislative change needs to ensure parity of esteem between the NHS and local government and ensure local accountability of the NHS.” 

Notes to editors

  • Councils in England face an overall funding gap of £8 billion by 2025. The LGA’s #CouncilsCan campaign aims to influence the forthcoming Spending Review and highlight the growing risk to vital local services if the Government does not take action to secure the financial sustainability of councils.

    #CouncilsCan: Spending Review 2019


    With the right funding and powers, councils can continue to lead local areasimprove residents’ lives, reduce demand for public services and save money for the taxpayer. Securing the financial sustainability of local services must be the top priority for the Spending Review.

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