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Fire Authority Members Guide

Local government is facing unprecedented challenges across the board with public services working in an increasingly constrained financial context. Fire authorities have an added challenge that, while instances of fire have generally decreased, they must continue to resource services commensurate with the level of risk present in their area.

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Major incidents like the Manchester bombings and the 2018 summer wildfires highlight another challenge for Fire Authorities: national resilience in the context of environmental change, shrinking budgets and reduced staffing. Alongside these historic challenges, the Grenfell Tower fire shed light on the role of fire services in ensuring building safety, and the subsequent Hackitt Review created a range of new responsibilities which will fall to fire authorities in the future.

The LGA represents the fire sector in England and Wales and, through the Fire Services Management Committee, continues to work hard to make the case to central government that fire authorities must have the necessary budget and resources to continue to deliver the best possible services for local communities. The LGA is also a resource to help you carry out your role to the best of your ability.