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Report: Councils empowering and engaging tenants

A new report published by the Local Government Association and Tpas sets out how councils are empowering and engaging their tenants. 

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It sets out the findings of detailed research across 35 councils and 20 arms-length management organisations (ALMOs) which found creative engagement helped reinforce council housing and its tenants at the heart of communities.

Examples include

  • Hull City Council, which set up their Housing Academy to empower residents with the confidence, knowledge and skills to directly participate in decisions affecting them. 
  • ALMO Tower Hamlets Homes set up an insight programme aimed at tackling loneliness and social isolation through the development of targeted interventions for tenants in need
  • Gedling Borough Council have rolled out their customer-centred service, the Gedling Conversation, which includes dropping in on tenants to ensure their issues are resolved through face-to-face interventions. 

By recently lifting the cap on councils ability to borrow and invest in new and existing affordable homes, the Government has accepted that homes for affordable and social rent are key to solving our housing crisis.

To build on this, the LGA is calling for the Government to allow councils to keep 100 per cent of their Right to Buy receipts and set discounts locally so councils can replace any homes sold.

Cllr Martin Tett, LGA Housing spokesman, said: 

“The report has shed light on more than just bricks and mortar. Councils are keen to engage with tenants and improve their engagement, and the report not only identifies good practice across the country, it also demonstrates the value of effective, local communication. This is at the heart of building communities where people can be proud to live. 

“The social housing green paper is a positive step from the Government, giving priority to empowering tenants, but we must also see a firmer commitment to building more social homes. Ensuring tenants are truly engaged can only be achieved through a conversation between landlords and tenants."

Engaging and empowering tenants in council-owned housing

Tpas have partnered with the LGA to investigate, capture and report on good practice in tenant engagement delivered by councils across the country. Tpas carried out four roundtable discussions and promoted a survey to capture feedback from residents, staff and councillors.

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