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Response to building safety and Grenfell Tower ministerial updates

Responding to the updates from the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government on Building Safety and Grenfell Tower, Lord Porter, Chairman of the Local Government Association, said:

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“Since the Grenfell Tower tragedy, the LGA has made the case for fundamental reform of the building regulations system.

“We are pleased that James Brokenshire has committed to implementing these recommendations, and where necessary that government is going beyond them as they have done with the ban on the use of combustible materials.

“The definition of higher risk residential buildings in the Hackitt Review is currently too narrow. It must be extended to all buildings in which vulnerable people sleep other than private homes. Consideration must also be given to lowering the height definition of high-rise buildings from the current definition.  

“The LGA is also pleased to be working as part of the Joint Regulators Group to develop the proposals for the Joint Competent Authority. This will help ensure effective enforcement at a local level and that building control, fire and rescue services and the Health and Safety Executive have the powers and sanctions they need to drive cultural change.

“People need to be able to sleep safely at night in their homes. The tragedy at Grenfell Tower must never be allowed to happen again and we look forward to working with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to make sure the new system of building regulation works.”