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LGA responds to research on end of life care

Cllr Izzi Seccombe, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, responds to research by King’s College London on palliative and end-of-life care.

“Ensuring a dying person receives high quality end-of-life care that is dignified and reflects their wishes is hugely important for councils.

“End-of-life care is becoming more significant for health and social care services, as an increasing number of people now wish to die at home or in a care home than in hospital.

“We know that this is an extremely upsetting and traumatic time for families, which is why it is essential that dying people are supported in a sensitive, personal and caring way, and that families and individuals are provided with thorough information to help inform their care choices.

“Councils remain determined to help provide high quality end-of-life care to all who need it, but the crisis in adult social care funding is making this extremely challenging.

“To help this goal, social care needs to be put on an equal footing with the NHS and government needs to address immediate pressures as part of the funding gap facing social care, which is set to exceed £3.5 billion by 2025.”