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LGA responds to DFE home education measures

"Councils need the powers and appropriate funding to enter homes or other premises to check a child’s schooling, and make sure they aren’t being taught in unsuitable or dangerous environments."

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Responding to a package of measures announced by the Department for Education around home education, Cllr Roy Perry, Vice Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Children and Young People Board, said:

“We are pleased the Government has announced measures to support councils in helping to make sure home-educated children receive a high quality education.

“Councils fully support the rights of parents to educate their children in the best way that they see fit, and the vast majority of parents who home educate their children do a fantastic job, and work well with their local council to make sure that a good education is being provided.

“But for the minority of children where this is not the case, councils need the powers and appropriate funding to enter homes or other premises to check a child’s schooling, and make sure they aren’t being taught in unsuitable or dangerous environments.

“Placing a legal duty on parents to register home-schooled children with their local authority would also help councils to monitor how children are being educated and prevent them from disappearing from the oversight of services designed to keep them safe.”