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LGA responds to CQC report on rise in detentions under Mental Health Act

Responding to a Care Quality Commission review, published today, of detentions made under the Mental Health Act, Cllr Izzi Seccombe, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said:

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“We are pleased that mental health is finally getting the attention and profile nationally that it deserves. We want to work with the Government to bring the unique position and expertise that councils have on mental health, and the determinants of mental health, to bear on plans to improve the mental wellbeing of all of our communities.

“The increase in detentions is a concern and, as the CQC rightly notes, are indicative of a system that is under strain because of increased demand and reduced funding. Councils need adequate funding to enable them to fully play their essential part in the mental health system.

“This is why we are calling for councils’ public health grant funding – which has been reduced by £531 million between 2015/16 and 2019/2020 – to be reversed, which will support the £1 billion being invested in the NHS by 2020 to address mental health issues.

“There needs to be a re-focus in mental health policy away from medicalisation and mental ill health to prevention, early intervention and mental wellness.

“The LGA will be feeding into the Independent Review of Mental Health Act to highlight the role that councils play in promoting mental health and wellbeing and safeguarding adults and children.”