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Housing our homeless households: additional resources

The LGA’s report Housing our homeless households responds to rising concern amongst local authorities about the increasing homelessness pressures being faced across the country.

This page provides links to additional resources to help councils wanting to replicate practice from the Housing our homeless households report in their own areas. This includes practical information shared by councils participating in the project, such as guides, policies, templates and agreements.

Additional resources

Leasing and licensing schemes

Working with private landlords and letting agents

Working well with homeless households

Making successful private rented sector offers

Use of supported housing

Allocations policies

Conversion of existing buildings and development of new hostels

Property acquisition

New developments

Modular construction

Working with other councils

Good practice in out of area moves

Impacts of the Homelessness Reduction Bill

Implications of Universal Credit

Case studies

London Borough of Camden

London Borough of Croydon and Bristol City Council

London Borough of Tower Hamlets

London Borough of Brent

West London DPS

Teignbridge Council

South Norfolk Council

Trafford Council