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Government Property tools – ePIMS

Central government has a number of property tools that can support local authorities to better manage their assets, support wider public sector working, and reduce in-house costs of establishing bespoke services.

ePIMS Asset Database

The Property Lite Import/Export tool is now available for user's to amend their data. Download the accompanying user manual.

The Electronic Property Information Mapping Service (e-PIMS™) is the central database of Central Government Civil Estate properties and land. It is also used to record the estates of the Devolved Administrations and increasingly by other wider public sector bodies.

Although not mandatory for all local authorities, those joining the One Public Estate programme are required to record all land and property assets owned by partnership authorities (except social housing stock) and public sector partners on e-PIMS™.

e-PIMS™ records the precise location of property, along with information such as landlord details, lease data and usage. Users are able to find properties on an electronic map, amend their own property details, and use the system to search for vacant space.

Over 100 local authorities on the One Public Estate programme are already benefitting from using e-PIMS™. These benefits include, but are not limited to:

  • access to data on central government land and buildings creating collaboration between central and wider public sector 
  • advance information of surplus land before it is disposed of outside of government 
  • detailed property searching and mapping, including land registry titles of all land packages and vacant land and property
  • free access for all users - local authorities will not have to establish their own systems at their own cost
  • standardised and consistent data capture, which allows for better estate planning and management between public sector bodies
  • benchmarking capability
  • further improvements and technical additions to the e-PIMS system to support and provide a wider functionality for local authorities
  • support from Cabinet Office.

Download the sample ePIMS spreadsheet for Local Authorities.

For further help and support with e-PIMS™, please contact the service desk at [email protected]