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Care and health efficiency

There is widespread consensus that the current system of health and care is unsustainable and needs transforming. We want to see the creation of a system that provides better, more coordinated and more personalised care for people, and one which is founded on the principles of keeping people healthy, keeping people independent at home in their community and keeping people in control of their care.

Such a system demands health and care that is responsive to people's needs and is seamless between different parts of the system.

Efficiency opportunities through health and social care integration

While there is general agreement that the current system of health and care is unsustainable, there is still debate as to how the system might be improved. The LGA launched this project to make a contribution to that discussion by providing evidence of the efficiency opportunities in the health and care system, so helping leaders to release much needed resources and inform the debate as to what a more sustainable system might look like in the future.

Newton Europe undertake a detailed diagnostic exercise in the participating areas to explore how people in need of help are managed within the current health and care system, in order to identify both the opportunities for and the challenges inherent in delivering better outcomes at less cost. The findings and opportunities emerging from this study have been identified by working alongside practitioners and clinicians in these areas.

The final report shares findings from the five areas participating in the project and shares practical examples of how councils and local partners can make savings by developing more integrated models of health and care, and critically, the key factors required in the approach to making that change successfully locally.

LGA efficiency opportunities through integration - final report (PDF)

Commissioning better public health

Commissioners are vital in the process of making the most of collective resources to improve health outcomes for local citizens. The role of commissioning is no longer about identifying and procuring services for individuals but  bringing people together to enable citizens to live a fulfilling and independent life for as long as possible.

This guide has been developed with commissioners from councils and partner organisations, building on existing learning and resources and sharing new and innovative practice developed by those working to improve public health.  The guide includes eight case study examples which were chosen to illustrate positive approaches to commissioning being taken across the country to address a wide range of public health challenges.

Commissioning for better health outcomes

Adult Social Care and Efficiency Programme

The Adult Social Care Efficiency programme comprised of 44 projects led by individual and groups of authorities. The objective was to help councils take forward their efficiency and transformation agendas in adult social care. The LGA worked with participating authorities over a two-year period to support them to refine and develop the comprehensive approaches required to deliver the savings authorities needed to make to meet the challenges of reduced funding, demographic pressures and personalisation.

The ASCE Final Report and annex, containing case studies of all 54 participating councils, highlights transformational approaches taken by councils to improve outcomes for vulnerable adults while making the efficiency savings required to balance the books. The big lessons include:

  1. Developing a new contract with citizens and communities
  2. Managing demand for formal social care
  3. Transforming services, cultures and behaviours
  4. Commissioning, procurement and contract management
  5. Integration with health or other providers.

Earlier reports from the programme shared emerging lessons from the participating councils

Learning Disability Services Efficiency Project

The ASCE programme identified a number of on-going challenges to authorities, including making savings in learning disability services. In response the LGA launched the Learning Disability Services Efficiency Project, which aims to develop new and innovative approaches to making savings in learning disability services, which can be shared for the benefit of the wider sector. The following authorities have taken part in the project:

London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, Cumbria County Council, Darlington Council, Kent County Council and Wiltshire Council.

The final report shares evidence based good practice examples, based on the principles of promoting independence, working collaboratively to develop person centred solutions that improve outcomes, maximising the use of resources including digital technology and reducing costs.

LGA Learning disability services efficiency project final report

Earlier reports from the programme shared emerging lessons from the participating authorities:

Learning disability Services Efficiency Project - initial report

Learning disability Services Efficiency Project - interim report

LGA Children's Services Efficiency Project

The LGA is working with a number of councils to deliver improvements and efficiencies in children's services. Councils will be supported to develop and implement innovative and sustainable approaches to transforming children's services that will help to make savings, while improving outcomes for children and young people. Learning from the project will be shared for the benefit of all councils and partners.

Further information can be found within our Children and Young People topic area

Further information

  • The Care and Health improvement Programme (CHIP) works with councils and care and health partners to work towards integration of services by 2020. Its work covers Health and Wellbeing Boards, social care commissioning and market development, delayed transfers of care, safeguarding, care and health integration and the Better Care Fund.

  • Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) is a national, cross-sector leadership partnership focused on driving forward work with personalisation and community-based social care.

  • A self-assessment tool kit has been produced by Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) alongside the publication, A Problem Shared: making best use of resources in Adult Social Care. It is part of an initiative to support councils, including their elected members, to make the best use of their resources, and to promote personalisation in a difficult and challenging context.

  • North East Professional Services (NEPRO) is the new neutral vendor solution for specialist professional services (including consultancy) set up by the North East Procurement Organisation (NEPO). It offers a quick, simple and efficient solution to those wanting to procure consultancy support, professional services and address interim requirements across a wide range of local authority service areas. 
  • Buying specialist professional services through NEPRO (PDF)


Please contact Amanda Whittaker-Brown, Programme Manager:

Email: [email protected]