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Sustainability and Transformation plans in the NHS | House of Commons

Since March (2016), the establishment of 44 Sustainability and Transformation Plans has continued apace, with each required to draft proposals to transform local health and care services.

Key messages

There are currently 44 Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) being agreed. These plans are intended to outline how local services will evolve and become sustainable over the next five years, in order to deliver better health, better patient care and improved NHS efficiency.

The LGA is supportive of the goals behind Sustainability and Transformation Plans. The plans have the potential to become a significant step towards reshaping local health and care services for the benefit of communities, and LGA has argued that local government must be an integral partner in this process.

We have also called for the Government to publish the integration policy framework without any further delay, in order for local areas to have sufficient clarity on what is expected to be included in local plans. These plans are due in March 2017 and need to ensure alignment with Sustainability and Transformation Plans developments.

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