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English Devolution: Learning lessons from international models of sub-national governance

Key points of learning for those faced with strategic choices regarding devolved governance arrangements

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The LGA commissioned Professor Robin Hambleton of the University of the West of England to carry out an international review of different models of sub-national governance, assess them according to six principles of good governance and draw out the key points of learning for those faced with strategic choices regarding devolved governance arrangements.

This guide will be of particular interest to councils that will be part of a mayoral combined authority, have an interest in understanding how different mayoral models work in practice and how scrutiny, accountability, and decision-making are handled; as well as councils in the process of negotiating or considering a deal with government and want to understand how other, non-mayoral models of governance might satisfy government's expressed desire for robust local governance.

The information contained within this PDF was current at the time of publication. 

However, the voting system for mayors and PCCs in the May 24 and May 25 elections has changed to a first past the post vote. Details of these changes are available with the  Elections Act 2022 (