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NJC circular - COVID-19 return to working at home

The NJC has issued guidance about the return to working at home (9 December 2021).

Please continue to visit the LGA’s Coronavirus: information for councils webpage for all up to date advice.

All information contained in this circular is correct at time of publication but all links to external websites should be checked regularly as official advice is likely to be updated as the situation continues to develop.

All previous NJC circulars providing advice and guidance relating to the pandemic are online.

The Government yesterday urged everyone in England, from next Monday 13 December, to work at home where possible. Separate guidance applies to councils in Wales and Northern Ireland.

Given the experience of the past twenty-one months, all councils will already have flexible working policies that set out protocols for employees whose roles readily lend themselves to working at home and we would expect those arrangements to now be kicking in again.

Employees should ensure that they are taking steps to look after their wellbeing during their period of working from home. This includes:

  • maintaining regular contact with their manager and colleagues
  • taking regular breaks
  • avoiding being ‘always on’ by ensuring that they identify non-working time
  • contacting the employee assistance programme if they need support, for example, in relation to heightened feelings of anxiety
  • being aware of the things that can cause them poor wellbeing and the activities and

    resources that can help to address this.

Yours sincerely, 

Joint secretaries:

Naomi Cooke

Rehana Azam

Jim Kennedy

Mike Short