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Local economic recovery planning in Norwich City Council

Norwich City Council responded quickly at the onset of the pandemic to communicate priorities to staff and residents, including the local emergency planning response and support for vulnerable residents.

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A photograph of Norwich council staff wearing masks outside the council building

Norwich City Council responded quickly at the onset of the pandemic to communicate priorities to staff and residents, including the local emergency planning response and support for vulnerable residents.

Strong local leadership and early communications gave the Council credibility with local communities and partners. They were able to build on the Norwich 2040 vision and partnerships it created which formed the core elements of the city’s ambitious ‘Covid 19: Blueprint for Recovery’. The blueprint was published on 2rd June 2020 and drew together council and key partner activity into a compelling strategy that had legitimacy and plans for action which has guided subsequent decision making.

That Blueprint situated the impact of the pandemic in relation to the 2nd WW and 08/09 financial crisis in terms of severity and nature of response. It also established a set of eight priorities to enable the Council to respond to events based on emerging evidence and to identify the most suitable mitigations and positive interventions to support local recovery.

1. Securing the council’s finances

2. Modernising the council; reimaging council services

3. Supporting the most vulnerable

4. Business and the local economy – Investment Plan (Towns Fund)

5. Housing, regeneration, development – new homes and jobs

6. Arts, culture and heritage

7. Climate change and the green economy

8. Harnessing social capital – Asset Based Community Development

Governance arrangements are clearly described, as are metrics to assess how progress will be monitored. There is a strong emphasis on the importance of data and evidence and engaging communities actively in the recovery process; as well as actions and plans to deliver on key priorities. As new information, evidence or opportunities emerge the Council will revisit the Blueprint.