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Local economic recovery planning in City of Wolverhampton Council

Wolverhampton City Council have produced a new city motto as part of their recovery strategy 'Relighting our city', involving five themes to support their residents.

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An aerial view of Wolverhampton city at night

Out of darkness cometh light  the city motto is the basis of the tone and vision of Wolverhampton’s recovery strategy: relighting our city.

The recovery plan has five themes to support Wulfrunians to live longer, healthier and more fulfilling lives:

  • support people who need us most
  • create more opportunities for young people
  • generate more jobs and learning opportunities
  • grow our vital local businesses
  • stimulate vibrant high streets and communities.

With activities following three principles: climate focused; driven by digital; fair and inclusive.

From the outset, communication has been a central theme of Wolverhampton’s response and recovery work. The Council have prioritised clear messages to the community on what it is doing and can do to help them; and clear messages within the Council to shift resources and personnel into response mode to support frontline delivery for vulnerable communities.

The communication theme has continued into recovery planning with a visibly articulated strategy and an interactive website set up to present plans and seek community input.

The quick response phase will be maintained during recovery with the Council seeking to work in a more agile, matrix managed approach to deliver on the five priority place themes.

There are big challenges ahead, with existing high levels of youth unemployment expected to get worse and growing unemployment and employability in the over 50s. Reskilling will be a major theme. With the relocation of parts of MHCLG to the city there are also opportunities. The Towns Fund and High Streets Fund will provide support to ambitious local investment plans creating real potential to leverage in additional private sector investment, to help bring vibrancy back to the city centre.