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Local Economic Recovery Planning

The LGA commissioned Social Finance to produce this good practice guidance for councils to develop and improve local economic recovery plans.

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The pandemic has had a devastating impact on the lives and livelihoods of towns, cities and rural communities across the country. While the health emergency is not yet over, the economic recovery has only just begun, and the outlook remains highly uncertain. Many places have already developed recovery plans to protect jobs, support enterprise and invest in growth. As the local and national context changes, places will need to respond with agility and innovation to manage risk and shape future opportunities as the lock down unwinds and a new normal emerges. Find out about emerging best practice in the Playbook for Action.

“This is a time when local government really matters. Economic recovery is about getting things done, having clear goals backed up by a robust plan. But a good plan is no good unless it unites people in a common purpose.”

- Tudor Evans, Leader Plymouth City Council

The LGA commissioned Social Finance to develop a Playbook for Action to support councils and local leaders to chart a pathway though the crisis and towards a better future. The Playbook outlines emerging best practice and suggestions to support and enable local economic recovery. It does not prescribe specific policies, instead it gathers together learning to date from places across England.

The Playbook includes practical place-based examples (also in Key Resources below) for councillors and senior officers to assess how they are working with their public, private and community partners to enable their places and their residents to take advantage of opportunities to thrive.  

Key resources also include top ten tips, recovery planning checklist, webinar and First article. The Playbook provides additional detail and context from the best of the many great examples of local government place making. These are grouped around four key themes: Adaptive Planning, Knowing Your Place, Prioritisation and Making it Happen.

Key Resources