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Sustainability and climate action

Councils take the lead in driving urgent actions in their local areas to combat the negative impacts of climate change and to deliver zero net carbon by 2030.

Image with blue and white squares, and logo of a group of people
SDG 13 - Climate action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Councils have the powers and resources they need to lead the way in combatting the effects of climate change – we will:

  • lobby for a joint taskforce with relevant Whitehall departments including Department for

    Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS), Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) and Defra to consider the most appropriate actions, funding, coordination and collaboration
  • press government for the funding and policy changes needed to deliver zero net carbon by 2030
  • work with government to address the need for greater energy efficiency in the built environment and how this can be achieved through planning practice and changes to Building Regulations
  • work with government, as it implements the Waste and Resources Strategy to identify ways to reduce waste and levels of unrecyclable waste and the investment priorities for waste disposal and processing of recyclates.

Councils lead the way in researching and developing alternative transport options – we will:

  • establish the resources and regulatory changes needed to support a move to electric vehicles, including provision of charging points on new housing developments and electrification of council and council-contracted vehicle fleets
  • identify the incentives and investment required to support a shift towards public transport and walking and cycling, as part of the solution to reducing carbon emissions.

Councils work with partners and stakeholders to implement short, medium and long term strategies to reduce carbon emissions in their areas – we will:

  • develop guidance and share best practice, including identifying the top 10 actions councils can take to address carbon emissions in their areas, recognising that one-size does not fit all
  • drawing on international experience, develop an evidence base and framework to understand the main carbon sources and the impact of councils’ activity
  • identify the opportunities of a shift to a low carbon economy as a basis for immediate and effective action
  • ensure that the LGA as the membership body for local authorities is modelling best practice in the way it conducts its own business.