Resetting the relationship between local and national government. Read our Local Government White Paper

Places to live and work

Councils lead the way in driving inclusive and sustainable recovery, building the homes that people need and creating places where they want to live.

Image with blue and white squares, and logo of a group of people
SDG 1 - No poverty

End poverty in all its forms everywhere

SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

SDG 9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation

Councils drive the increase in housing supply the nation needs – we will:

  • continue to press for additional powers for councils to increase housing supply, promote both affordable and carbon-free homes and make more effective use of surplus public sector land
  • support consortia of councils to access significant housing development funds through the creation of new partnership models
  • press for powers for councils to ensure the provision of homes integrated with health and care that positively support us to age well
  • lobby for a well-resourced and locally responsive planning system, funded by locally set fees with the tools to ensure developers build quality homes that meet local need.

Councils have access to funding to create communities where people want to live – we will:

  • continue to press for additional infrastructure funding, including a review of the rules governing developer contributions
  • support councils to work with partners to maximise the value of local and national infrastructure investment, including in road, rail, broadband, culture, heritage and recreation
  • work to secure the £5 billion of regeneration investment guaranteed to local economies from EU structural funds to 2020 and lobby for alternative UK sources after we leave the EU.

Councils continue to drive higher safety standards across the housing sector – we will:

  • lobby for resources and tools to enable councils to shape a good quality private rented sector that meets the needs of their local communities
  • work with government and councils to identify high-risk, high-rise residential buildings and lobby for support for councils to make changes and take urgent remedial action
  • respond to government consultations, including on the new building safety regulatory framework.
We will continue to press for additional powers for councils to increase housing supply, promote both affordable and carbon-free homes and make more effective use of surplus public sector land

Councils lead the way in ending homelessness through prevention – we will:

  • lobby for the resources to enable councils to manage the housing impacts of welfare reform and achieve the ambitions of the Homeless Reduction Act and Rough Sleeping strategy
  • make the case for adaptations to welfare reform and for the powers and funding that councils need to meet local needs
  • with the Chief Executives’ and Home Office group on asylum dispersal, inform the development, delivery and funding of support for asylum seekers and refugees and share good practice. 

Councils support strong communities through risk-based business-friendly regulatory services – we will:

  • press for powers and resources where councils take on additional legal liabilities such as building regulations post-Grenfell and proposed new air quality requirements
  • support councils to demonstrate the value of regulatory services and lobby for sustainable funding
  • lobby government to bring forward taxi licensing legislation as soon as possible
  • press for greater flexibility in the licensing system, including the localisation of licensing fees.

Councils are key partners in delivering the government’s national economic strategy – we will: 

  • support city regions and non-metropolitan areas to deliver effective local economic strategies
  • advocate for a voice for councils in the development of a new English land management policy, and for communities to be involved in deciding how their local natural assets are managed
  • support local innovation to deliver a better digital infrastructure and continue to press for a regulatory framework that will deliver the best deal for customers 
  • continue to press for strong local government representation on Local Enterprise Partnerships and improved oversight and scrutiny of them
  • support councils to maximise the impact of their cultural, sporting and heritage assets to drive growth in their local visitor economy.

Councils match education, training and skills with business needs – we will:

  • continue to press for powers, funding and lead responsibility for councils to integrate and commission back to work, skills, apprenticeships and welfare support under the Work Local model.
  • campaign for people of all ages to be supported to participate in quality skills development and training and lifelong learning with independent careers advice and guidance
  • promote good employment practice that helps young people and adults secure, sustain and progress in work, including Apprenticeships.