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Letter to His Majesty The King

From the Chairman of the Local Government Association, Cllr James Jamieson OBE.

Dear His Majesty The King,

As Chairman of the Local Government Association, on behalf of councils in England and Wales, I would like to pass on our deepest condolences to you and the Royal Family, following the passing of Her Majesty The Queen.

Local government pays tribute to the commitment, selfless devotion and generosity-of-spirit shown by Her Majesty during her reign as monarch over the past 70 years. As the Head of State and the longest reigning monarch in our country’s history, Her Majesty played a central role in British life, bringing the country together and shaping our values as a nation. The Queen was a champion of British values as a Royal Patron to over 600 charities, many of them small ones supporting local areas.

Her life will be remembered for one of service, duty and devotion to communities up and down the country, the Commonwealth and beyond. Her celebration of communities and recognition of civic pride and achievement in all walks of life empowered local leadership and commemorated all those who have contributed to the life of the nation and the Commonwealth.

It was fitting that communities up and down the country had the opportunity to pay tribute to Her Majesty this summer at The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee which brought the entire nation together in celebration of her longstanding service to the country. The country and everyone connected with local government have been moved by the news and communities will commemorate the life of Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II as we enter this period of national mourning.

As you begin your reign as Head of State, councils will continue to serve our nation, bringing local communities together to promote the rich and vibrant values of our nation.

With deepest sympathies

James Jamieson signature

Cllr James Jamieson

Chairman, Local Government Association