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JNC for coroners’ management side letter - coroner pay offer 30 July 2021

Management Side – JNC for Coroners

Joanne Kearsley

Officers’ Side Secretary

Coroners’ Society for England & Wales


2 August 2021

Dear Joanne

Coroners' pay 2021

Following our meeting on Friday 30 July, I am writing on behalf of the Management Side of the JNC to respond formally to the Officers’ Side’s pay claim.

The Management Side wish to make the following final one-year offer to the Officers’ Side of the JNC:

  • With effect from 1 April 2021, an increase of 1.50 per cent on basic salary

The Management Side hope this offer can quickly form the basis of an agreement between the two Sides of the JNC so that Coroners can receive a pay rise as soon as practicable.

Yours sincerely,

Sarah Ward

Management Side Secretary