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Information on councillor safety from the Conservative Councillors’ Association

At this time, questions are rightly being asked about the safety of our country’s elected representatives. We wanted to bring to your attention the resources and information available to councillors to support you as you work in your communities.

We know our members will be shocked and saddened by the tragic and untimely passing of Sir David Amess. His death is a huge loss to our Conservative Party family and our thoughts and condolences are with his family and friends as this incredibly difficult time.

At this time, questions are rightly being asked about the safety of our country’s elected representatives. We wanted to bring to your attention the resources and information available to councillors to support you as you work in your communities.

We hope that this information and support will provide reassurance at this difficult time and we will continue to update colleagues as and when further advice becomes available. If there is anything else that you feel we need to look into, or any other support or guidance that you would find useful, please contact the CCA at [email protected]

  • Report It - The Party operates a reporting system for elected representatives at any level who suffer hate or abuse, online or otherwise. If you, or someone you know, has suffered such abuse, please do report it to [email protected]. Access our guidance document detailing the steps in identifying, reporting, and protecting yourself from threats, harassment and defamation.
  • Councillors' guide to handling intimidation - The LGA has published a guide detailing the practical steps that you and your council can undertake to protect yourself as a person in a public position. It covers topics such as safety considerations when holding surgeries; how to handle abuse, in writing or online; and the legal and practical remedies, including the nature of the criminal offences involved. The LGA's Civility in Public Life page is continuously updated with the latest resources and information available. 
  • Cabinet Office's security guidance - Whilst this collection of guidance was designed for those up for election in May, the advice on good security practices for those in local authorities is relevant all year-round. 
  • Online security information - Most social media companies provide advice about online security. This includes guidance on how to secure your account and how to report incidents of online abuse, harassment and intimidation. The Cabinet Office has collected this information, which is also suitable for all times of the year.

We hope that this information and support will provide reassurance at this difficult time and we will continue to update colleagues as and when further advice becomes available. If there is anything else that you feel we need to look into, or any other support or guidance that you would find useful, please contact the CCA at [email protected]

Cllr Mark Hawthorne

Chairman, Conservative Councillors' Association