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Gloucestershire: integrated commissioning function

Joint contracting arrangements – for care homes, community based and voluntary sector provision – are headed up by the director of integrated commissioning, with lead commissioners incorporating children and maternity, disabilities and older people. This example of a local initiative forms part of our managing transfers of care resource.

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Brokerage teams source all care post assessment, including the hospital to home service, discharge to assess pathways, continuing healthcare and end of life provision. The approach also offers enhanced brokerage and care navigators to support self-funders to reduce delays. Multidisciplinary team (MDT) case management and frailty pilots are showing significant cost and quality benefits and there has been a direct impact on A&E delivery, four-hour improvement plans and preparation for winter pressures.

In addition:

  • Gloucestershire is an integrated personalised commissioning pilot site, which includes personalised wheelchair budgets
  • a housing action plan, linked to the Better Care Fund (BCF), includes pooled arrangements with districts for innovation and improved processes
  • an extension to Warm and Well – Gloucestershire’s energy efficiency grant – is also helping to bring citizens out of fuel poverty.


Mary Morgan

Joint Commissioner for Older People

NHS Gloucestershire CCG

[email protected]