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Culture-led regeneration case studies

Case studies from the LGA's guide 'Culture-led regeneration: achieving inclusive and sustainable growth' publication.

Culture-led regeneration as a local policy has been around for many years, but arguably has a higher profile now that at any earlier time. Councils across England and Wales, along with their partners, have competed hard in recent years to be awarded the titles of UK City of Culture, European Capital of Culture and London Borough of Culture. Major national programmes, such as Arts Council England’s ‘Creative People and Places’ and the Arts Council and Heritage Lottery Fund’s ‘Great Place Scheme’, are supporting economic and social regeneration through culture, while the positive force of key cultural institutions and community-based cultural programmes is delivering regeneration outcomes right across the country.

There is now a clear acknowledgement of the social and economic value of the cultural sector, and its ability to deliver growth and drive regeneration. These impacts can range from growth in tourism, creative and cultural sectors, to enhancing individual skills, knowledge and confidence, to strengthening community pride and place image.

The LGA and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation are working together to capture local authority good practice in this area. This page brings together 15 case studies demonstrating different approaches to culture-led regeneration across England and Wales, and the positive impacts they can deliver.