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Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Brighton and Hove’s Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan

Brighton and Hove's Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan recognises and sets out plans to deliver the infrastructure needed to improve the city’s active travel network - creating the foundations to enable an active travel network where the whole community has the practical choices to travel by walking, wheeling, or cycling in a healthy and sustainable way.

Sunderland City Council: 5G Connected and Automated Logistics

The pioneering 5G Connected and Automated Logistics (5G CAL) pilot is the first in the UK to evaluate the potential of next generation technology in overcoming barriers for a more efficient future for last mile logistics. The pilot focused on understanding and utilising ground-breaking 5G technology in an operational automotive environment, to develop the UK’s first zero emission automated logistics HGV. The Council are now planning and delivering a series of projects to develop the technology and establish a testbed for connected and automated logistics in the North East.

Lancashire County Council: Highways Decarbonisation Strategy

In February 2021, Lancashire County Council adopted a resolution to set out on an ambitious carbon reduction and nature recovery strategy that seeks to 'transition the Lancashire economy away from carbon by 2030 and address the biodiversity crisis'. They recognised that the planned highway capital surfacing programme was a highly carbon intensive programme of works so have begun a journey to ascertain the carbon output of the programme, record and measure changes made to reduce carbon outputs and develop tools to eventually integrate carbon usage into the asset lifecycle modelling.

Warwick District Council: Local Climate Engagement (LCE) Programme

Warwick District Council have been awarded funding as part of a ‘Project Group’ programme to develop and deliver their rural community engagement programme. The first stage has seen them develop and deliver a training programme on community engagement practices with local community groups, key officers and Members. They are now in phase two of the programme, which will see them take this same programme and deliver it to rural communities.

Leeds City Council: Low carbon heat network

Leeds City Council and its network partners Vital Energi have delivered a £49 million network of insulated underground pipes, supplying 15,400 megawatt-hours of heating last year, helping to reduce the city’s carbon footprint by more than 2,000 tonnes. The heat and hot water used in the system is produced from non-recyclable waste at the Recycling and Energy Recovery Facility (RERF), creating a reliable and affordable lower carbon alternative to traditional fossil fuel powered heating systems for connected buildings.

London Borough of Ealing: Let's Ride Southall Project

Ealing Council in West London are creating the conditions to develop a mass community cycling culture in Southall, by tackling the core underlying barriers to cycling and putting residents at the heart of any change. The Sport England funded project involves the giveaway of up to 2,500 bikes to residents, a wraparound training offer, friends to cycle with, daily led cycle rides for all abilities and a platform to create wider system and infrastructure development to sustain a new cycling culture.

Cornwall Council Design Guide: Using ‘Building with Nature’ to define high-quality green infrastructure in policy

The Cornwall Council Design Guide supports the Cornwall Local Plan, by offering a comprehensive guide to design quality in Cornwall. By providing clarity on what is expected from development in Cornwall, the Council is helping to inspire and guide the delivery of high-quality places to live, that respond positively to cross-cutting issues like climate change adaptation, nature recovery creating healthy environments and enhancing the distinctiveness of Cornwall.

Cornwall Council: Langarth Garden Village

Cornwall Council are using the Building with Nature (BwN) Standard Framework to inform the green infrastructure (GI) designs for Langarth Garden Village, creating a scheme that is on track to deliver positive outcomes for people and wildlife, and provide a demonstration of the Council’s strategic approach to placemaking and biodiversity gains for local stakeholders.

Manchester Climate Change Agency with Manchester City Council: Creating an Update of the Manchester Climate Change Framework

Manchester Climate Change Partnership (MCCP) is a cross-sectoral partnership of organisations that are engaged in helping the city become zero carbon and climate resilient. It includes representation from across the city’s communities and its private, public, health, faith, culture, sport, property, social housing, and academic sectors.

Warrington Borough Council: Investing in Renewable Energy with Community Municipal Bonds

Councils that have declared a Climate Emergency may struggle to fund the measures needed to cut emissions in their area. Warrington Borough Council has piloted the use of community municipal bonds, a fundraising tool for local authorities, to fund renewable energy projects. Community municipal bonds allow councils to raise money directly from residents. In Warrington, the money raised has been used for low-carbon infrastructure, to speed up carbon emissions reductions and increase resilience to the pandemic.