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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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A behavioural approach to managing demand in Special Educational Needs travel services: increasing uptake of independent travel training

The Croydon Behaviour Change Hub (BCH) worked with the SEN travel team to develop and trial a behavioural approach to reducing demand for council provided transport.

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Using behavioural insights to reduce sugar in schools – pilot study in Brighton and Hove City Council

This pilot project focused on developing an intervention to reduce sugar consumption in schools through a series of personalised ‘sugar swap’ messages.

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Commercialism at Mendip District Council

The programme provided a productivity expert to support Mendip District Council in enhancing its approach to commercialising service delivery and building capacity and resilience for the future. 

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Stop & Go Project: connecting technology and social care companies

Liverpool City Council linked its homecare providers with technology providers. The impact has been much more significant than it originally envisaged, leading to the uptake of technological care solutions across the city, bringing in £1 million euros of additional funding to social care and leading to better outcomes for people using services. This case study forms part of our adult social care markets and commissioning resource.

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Commercial opportunities in leisure and tourism - East Riding of Yorkshire Council

The East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s culture and customer service was looking for skills, capacity and expertise to review commercial operations, including income, pricing and marketing of a range of leisure and tourism services offered in the East Riding, with a focus on leisure, coastal and foreshores. The aim was to provide capacity in developing pricing and marketing strategies and to identify new income generating opportunities.

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Bristol Children’s Charter: placing children at the heart of the city

In 2018, the Mayor of Bristol, Director of Children’s Services at Bristol City Council and Cabinet Member for Women, Children and Families agreed to develop a new approach to ensure that children were at the heart of the city – not just in council decision-making, but across the breadth of Bristol’s partners.

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'My Neighbourhood’ – delivering innovative locality-based services addressing residents and their social needs

Improving the quality of life of residents within specific neighbourhoods in the Harrogate District.

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Growth options for a successful shared service

As a successful and established shared service, STAR Procurement was looking at growth options and future development. It therefore required expert help and experience that could be shared to explore the ‘art of the possible’

Calderdale: Using the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) to run a school health day

For the last four years Calderdale Council has used the day its staff carry out the NCMP weighing and measuring to deliver important healthy lifestyle messages to the whole school community. This case study forms part of our resource on the National Child Measurement Programme

Camden and Islington: Managing demand

The London Boroughs of Islington and Camden run a successful child weight management programme called the Healthy Living Practitioner Service that offers one-to-one support from a nutritionist attached to the school nursing teams. This case study forms part of our resource on the National Child Measurement Programme.